There’s poo in the forest
All species that live in the forest generate their own waste; leaves, twigs, flowers, fruit, branches and animal droppings.
Animal droppings in particular, carry higher levels of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, which help to complete the nitrogen cycle on the forest floor.
One of the methods that Civets use to mark their territory, is to create middens on the outer reaches of their claimed domain. Civets have a tremendously varied diet from one season into the next.
During the autumn and winter months, Civets, as well as bush pigs and monkeys, consume the fruit and seeds of many of the living plants in the forest, particularly those shed by the large, dominant trees.
Civet middens are often many years old and from time to time, when the conditions are right, certain seeds in the midden which have passed through the civet, germinate to replenish the forest.
Similar germination of seeds will occur from the droppings of other animals who dwell in the forest.
All read the recent publication of Quinton Coetzee’s book. The Buck that Buries its Poo.